Andres  is smiling against a gray background.

Andres Gallegos

Hughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym, Ltd.

Andrés Gallegos was a shareholder with the law firm of Robbins, Salomon & Patt, Ltd. and was the founder and director of its national disability rights practice. Andrés was a frequent speaker and authored numerous articles on matters relating to the application of disability-related laws to healthcare providers and the disability rights movement. Andrés was a member of the National Council on Disability, an independent federal agency that provides advice to the President, Congress, and federal agencies on matters affecting persons with disabilities nationwide. He served as Chair of the Board of Directors of Access Living and was a two-time governor appointee to the Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois. Andrés earned a B.S. from the University of Southern Mississippi and a J.D. from the St. Louis University School of Law.

Disability Rights, Employment
Legal, Public Policy, Organizational Development/Human Resources