Institute Essay Questions

Question One

What are your leadership goals (short-term or long-term) you hope to advance by participating in the 2022 Institute? How do you see your goals furthering inclusion, equity, and justice? You do not need to have specific goals or a plan, but to the extent possible please describe the type of leadership role(s) you’d like to hold. [Maximum 250 words]

Question Two

Recognizing you may have multiple identities (whether they may be disability, gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.), share a story of a challenge you had around any one or more of your identities. How were you able to address it? Was it effective? Why or why not? Finally, how do you see participating in the Institute as a way to develop a stronger disability identity? [Maximum 250 words]

Question Three

What is one challenge facing your community you are passionate about changing and how do you see participation in the Institute as a step toward making this change? How might this change be connected to the Institute's guiding framework of a Collective Vision, Self and Social Awareness, and Disability Leadership? [Maxiumum 250 words]